EdRising is a student organization, and we need your students to serve as State Officers, Chapter and Regional Leaders. The primary responsibility of Educators Rising Kansas State Officers are to be ambassadors for the organization and the future of the teaching profession. Effective State Officers are articulate, self-motivated, outgoing, conscientious students with a passion for Educators Rising’s mission and vision, who will promote the organization as essential to the cultivation of tomorrow’s great educators. 

Are you interested in serving as an Educators Rising Kansas state officer? In this role you will be working with other outstanding students and staff to build momentum in our state. This includes hosting conferences, talking at the Capitol, attending national conventions and growing yourself. 

OFFICER INFORMATION for 2023-2024 Applicants 

The state officer team shall consist of no less than four members and should be a combination of four or more of the following positions:


Vice President


Promotions and Branding 

Hire Educator Representative

The state officers, appointed teacher leaders from recognized chapters and appointed Institutions of Higher Education Partners and the State Coordinator will constitute the Executive Council of the Educators Rising Kansas.

All officer positions will be filled according to qualifications, experience, and recommendations from the State Advisory Board.

Terms of office will begin October 1st and continue until after the conclusion of the Kansas State Conference the following year.


*Applications are live and close Monday, September 30th, 2024. 

Officer Requirements:

To be considered for a state officer position with Educators Rising Kansas, a candidate shall:

Must attend an accredited Kansas University or High School

Must have an affiliated Educators Rising Account

Be recommended by the chapter and endorsed by his/her local chapter teacher leader

File an official application with the state office before the determined deadline 

Have a cumulative G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher

Demonstration of leadership

Be available to attend State Officer Meetings

Attend State Officer training

Be in good standing with the school with no disciplinary issues at any level

Provide your own transportation to all Educators Rising Kansas events 


If there are no candidates for an office, students will be appointed at the discretion of the State Advisory Board.

Questions: All questions may be directed to Shelley Staples at

Teacher Leaders, make sure you nominate your student ambassadors. 

Ambassador- Student voting delegates from each chapter, submitted by the Teacher Leader, and serving as a ratio of one per ten active chapter members. 



- The voting of state officers will take place by the student Ambassadors at the State Conference on February 1st. 

The student ambassadors are representatives from each local chapter and their job will be to vote for officer elections and vote for revisions/changes to the by-laws.

*Student Ambassadors can be any active member of your Educators Rising Chapter and will be responsible for checking their email for the Educators Rising Kansas Official Voting link and then casting their vote.

*Student Ambassadors are not the same as Educators Rising Kansas Student Executive Board. The executive board is responsible for overseeing all of Educators Rising Kansas, student Ambassadors are responsible for electing the Executive Board students to office.